An unusual and a hearty soup with a crunch. Easy to make. Even spinach haters will love this soup. This recipe has been modified from an old East Indian...
Brussels sprouts and onions are roasted till caramelized and then turned into a delicious soup with the addition of chicken stock, cream, and cheese. Easy...
This is a recipe for a Minestrone Soup that is very similar to Lelli's Minestrone soup here in Detroit. Make sure you use a large stock pot, because this...
This is one of my all-time favorite ways to enjoy fresh, summer corn, and a great lesson in just how little help these sweet ears need. If you're using...
A creamy vegetable soup with a wonderful flavor. For variety you may add shrimp or chopped imitation crab. As an added note, this recipe is how I met my...
Tomato soup was a childhood favorite for chef Gretchen Allison of Ducksoup Inn. At the start of her career, learning to make good soup opened the door...
This modified version of potato soup is completely vegan and no one can tell a bit of difference. Even picky kids love this hearty recipe, perfect for...
We were hungry for something different one night and created this hearty soup recipe using veggies grown in our garden and ingredients readily found in...
This refreshing soup, made with cooling ingredients and served icy cold, is the perfect light lunch on a hot day. I enjoy it all summer-and I always have...
So I feel like I am using my Instant Pot® at least 4 times a week. I have been having a great time experimenting and am amazed at the way the flavors...
Beginning with my Fast Chicken Soup Base it is easy to knock hours off of the cooking time usually needed for homemade chicken soup and still end up with...
My Gram is my biggest inspiration in both cooking and in life. My Gram knows how to cook, especially Mennonite food right from the heart of Saskatchewan!...
This is a Vietnamese-inspired soup, showcasing the fragrance of lemongrass. So good! Serve garnished with chopped cilantro. Depending on the curry powder...
A girlfriend of mine gave me this recipe and was raving about it. After I tried it out I wholeheartedly agree - this is my new favorite pumpkin soup. It's...
My friend's mom used to make 'garden' soup every Sunday. She would go through her fridge and any unused veggies would be thrown into the soup pot. This...
I whipped this delicious soup up on a chilly day when a friend and I both craved our favorite cold weather combo, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato...
This is a tasty and filling soup for those cold winter nights. The mix of the vegetables tastes wonderful. Make homemade baked bread and you will have...
This soup is usually made up of leftover vegetables in the fridge or you can cut up fresh vegetables. The amount of vegetables you put in depends on how...
This is a really good and hearty soup, plus kids like it, and they are also getting their vegetables. If you want a Mexican flair, add nacho cheese soup...
Here's a great pureed soup recipe that will go over well with vegetarians. It consists of mixed vegetables pureed with cheese in a cream base. I like to...
We're doing this classic cold spring soup, and instead of using English peas, we're using sugar snaps which are going to save you a lot of shelling time....
This recipe hits the spot for me any cold night. It makes a lot, so I pull it out for dinner parties too and it's yet to go over poorly. Feel free to experiment....
This soup is a delicious way to use broccoli. The recipe needs some tweaking due to the thickness of it and how the cheesy crouton went soggy too quickly...
Roasted vegetables, pureed and cooked with broth, kale, and a nice mix of Italian sausages make up this hearty soup. This soup brings out the rich flavors...
This tomato bisque has it all! A creamy, tomato base with chunks of crushed tomatoes and jalapeno peppers, and some extra heat from cayenne pepper, chipotle...
A hearty, healthy and zesty vegetarian soup! However, if you like meat in your soup change the vegetable broth to chicken broth and throw in some cut up...
This delicious and easy minestrone is made in the morning and cooks all day in the oven for a wonderful soup your family will love. Sometimes I'll add...